The basic course is for anyone who wants to approach ceramics and also for those who may have known it some time ago and want
to get familiar with it again.
During this course, the fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge of working with clay is provided, using the main manual construction techniques: colombino, pizzicato, slab. We will then proceed with an introduction to
glazing and engobe.
The laboratory puts everything you need at your disposal: red and white clay, a good choice of colored glazes, pigments
sotto cristallina, utensili di legno, servizi di controllo asciugatura e cottura compresi. Una volta terminato il corso, i partecipanti possono proseguire con la modellazione libera per approfondire l’apprendimento.
1CORSO : 4 lezioni da 2 ore e mezza cad.
€220,00- anzichè 270,00€
🕒Dal Lunedì al Venerdì 10-12:30 / 16-18:30 / 19-21:30
🕒Sabato e Domenica 10-12:30 / 13-15:30 / 16-18:30
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